The surge in the silent transmission of COVID-19 has been blamed on asymptomatic people. According to President Obama, former medical consultant, these sets of people contribute immensely in infecting people.
Asymptomatic and presymptomatic people are great COVID-19 transmitters
According to new research, it has been found that over half of the coronavirus cases are from individuals who don’t show any symptoms. This new research said about 58% of infections are by presymptomatic people who have not developed or shown any signs of the virus, according to medical research.
This report states that the findings show that isolation and knowing patients is not enough to manage COVID-19 transmission. The report advises that stringent measures like using mask shields, social distancing, and massive testing are essential.
“ The fact is that SARS COvid-2 virus has features of the coronavirus membership and adapt in such a way they go undetected” Stated Dr. Daniel, a top biodefense expert for President Obama.
Medical research traces huge transmission cases to people without symptoms
This new medical research suggests that about 58% of transmission classes could be traced to people with little or no symptoms. Nearly 38% of transmission is traced to people who have never shown any signs, while 20% is from presymptomatic people who are yet to show symptoms.
Health research shows that this virus can incubate for up to two weeks. During this incubation period, this virus may duplicate itself, which the patient can transmit before he shows symptoms.
“ What this implies is that by the time a Covid-19 patient discovers he has the virus, he has unknowingly transferred the virus” said Dr. Daniel Fagbuyi.
It has been widely discussed in medical circles that individuals who don’t show symptoms have a crucial role in transmission. With this new research, estimates have shown that about 35% of COVID-19 patients don’t show symptoms and are 80% as capable of virus transmission as others.
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